
3rd blog Advices for beginners

                               Advices for beginners First of all, I believe that most of the students who will take this course are beginners, and the students may confuse of defining a function by theirselves. In this course, we need to learn lots of codes, and we could create any function we want after we familiar with these codes. In adiition,the precondition of defining a funciton is learning basic codes, so that we need to prepare a lot for this course. Specifically, we need to listen carefully to the professor so that we could know how these codes apply. What's more, we need to do the sample questions for the quizzes. Also, we should do the past tests for preparing for the test and the final exam.

2nd slog

                          2nd slog At beginning, I was confused about the form of the test and I did not know what we should do in the test. Due to it,I searched for the past tests and found what I did not understant by working on these past tests. I made a image which consists of too many triangles and the triangles increase from top to bottom. It is amazing that Ijust use some functions to create it. After lectures, I always have some problems with codes. Instead of asking for the professor, I decide to test the codes which I do not understand. After that, I understand these codes I did not know initially. To be honest, I have never asked questions in tutorial or TA office hours because I would like to solve problems by myself. After solving questions, I would have a sense of achievenment.

1st blog

After taking a couple of weeks of classes, I got a lot of knowledge from it. Therefore, I want to start a blog to share my experience with my friends. To be honest, I firstly wanted to choose csc108 as my fall’s course because one of the required courses of statistics major is csc108. However, I have never been touch with computer science. Due to it, I decided to choose csc104 as one of my fall’s courses. Also, I hope to master some basic programming about computer science in this class for later studying csc108. Moreover, my ideal programming is that we could write a program that we could use in our own lives. Until now, I learned some codes and I try to run these codes at Racket, and it is excited for me to change images or data. These codes could not help me to write a program for daily life., which is a little bigger than I expected. But I still believe that I could learn what I expect from csc104. In addition, I find that the difficulty of this course is that we need